Indianapolis Women's March 2020 Event | Date and Location | Official Website

2020 is set to be a landmark year for the Women's March. We are writing our fourth year into existence and you play the biggest role. In 2020 we are engaging in targeted direct action aimed at those who have attempted to impede on our rights and we are building with those who have always stood by our side. Women have seen serious attacks under our current administration but we have also seen just what we are capable of when we fight together. In 2020 we need you to rise with us. In 2020 we need you to march with us.

Join Indianapolis Women's March 2020 Event:

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#WomensMarch #WomensMarch2020 #OfficialWomensMarch2020 #Risetogether #WomenRising #Womenrising2020 #MarchForOurHumanRights #VotesforWomen

#StrongerTogether #WomensSuffrage #HumanRights #TruthtoPower #PowertothePolls #HearUsVote #WomxnRights #Feminism #Equity #LGBTQI #TogetherWeCan


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